Spotlight Lipedema

Lipedema, Grief and Coronavirus Days - Episode 6

Episode Summary

In Episode 6 we talk about how those of us with lipedema can work to adapt to the days of being under quarantine and stuck at home, while maintaining some sense of sanity and working to improve our fitness.

Episode Notes

Well, this episode was long in coming out. Sorry for the delay. I have to admit, I've been pretty focused on the news about the coronavirus, and that slowed down the process a bit, but I'm back on track now.

This project may sound a little be choppier than normal because it is the first one I've done mostly by myself, with some assistance from my wonderful producer Chris Duckman. My goal has been doing this on my own without having to pester him too much, so I am on my way.

To start things off, I talk a little bit about grief and how we experience grief as a part of getting a lipedema diagnosis - and that is okay. It is totally normal. We just need to recognize it and not let it get to us too much -  and figure out what we can do to deal with it as time goes on. It will get better, even if it's a bumpy road to peace of mind.

Then I talk about how I've adapted to being mostly homebound in the last couple of years and what I am doing to try to make things  continue to improve. It is definitely a challenge in the best of times, but even for someone who doesn't leave home very often, coronavirus days have been a challenge.

Then the episode wraps up with another visit with Pattie Cornute where she talks about how she is adapting to working out at home now that she can't visit the gym or pool for a while. She's got some great ideas on how you can adapt your workout - or maybe (like me) start working out at home.

I hope you enjoy it.

Links from this episode:

  1. Lymphatic Yoga with Edely Wallace
  2. Lipedema Fitness Blog:
  3. Dr. Melissa Gallagher's alternate rebounding video:

Intro Music "Walk in the Park," Bumper Music "Folk Bed," and closing music, "In The Field" all courtesy of Jason Shaw at Audionautix -